The CRL team brings a different and unique dimension to the process. Our members have backgrounds containing both extensive experience in the “C” suite, public accounting, auditing, together with significant and varied operational and management experience. We provides a unique, multifaceted review of the potential candidates financial information, its business operations and marketplace.
Every aspect of our clients’ operations are closely analyzed for improvement. The Balance Sheet and its components are examined to optimize working capital. Our objectivity and expertise enables us to identify areas of the business which, when improved, can help lead to a positive financial solution.
The CRL approach
All our clients business’s are different and unique. Some assignments require us to deliver an independent 12 week crisis cash flow, others do not. Our method of performing a forensic examination of the business from the “C” suite to the shipping dock and from Cash to Retained Earnings is designed to discover the relevant facts.
Our process is in phases
Phase 1
Review analyze observe
Phase 2
Perform focused assessment
Phase 3
Formulate recommendations / report